
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

happy 4 days

yup..before i start,let me introduce a "friend" who is writing her blog beside me now!!

haha..lim chei huey,our cute cute princess!!
she is writing her blog now!!
ok..what is my topic today?
hmmp..ok ok,well well,
today is the last day of my keyboard weekly class,
learn a lot during this 4 weeks,
thanks those student tutor,they put a lot effort on it,
before we went back,let take some photo first,

this is our tutor,his name called ming zhi,not the huang ming zhi!!haha~
he is a nice tutor,hope he still can teach us at next sem!!looking forward on it ^^


today i teach 3 people to register nuffnang!!
haha~let's together earn the money!!
yeah yeah~~i like money!!
the first we have 3 people together writing the blog in living room,
feel like very warm!!:D

good night!!friends..^^


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