
Thursday, August 5, 2010


time passed quickly,this week is week 10 already!!
ok..because we have a trip falls on 19 Aug to 22 Aug,
and we estimate we have 20 people will go,so need to buy ticket early,
haiz~~so today me n Edwin go to KTM there to buy,
we almost spend 2 hours there to buy ticket, 1 hour for Q up, 1 hour for buying ticket,
hehe...see the photo,
those ticket is higher than me!!

so happy..and i will be the treasurer in Mamma Mia group for the trip!
because i really want control the money,i don't want spend too much money!!
yeah~yeah~looking forward to the trip!!
and keep reminding myself,MUST finish all assignment first especially COMICS assingnment,ok...finally settle the ticket already!
now save some money for the trip!!

yesterday we had copy advertising assignment presentation,
erm..just wanna show off our group comments,

nothing special...they're happy then is ok for me!!
i prefer doing something with a groups,maybe the result come out is not that good,
but at least the progress is happy!!
so....anyway,I've already decided...

IAN lim,last tuesday,
he takes lunch with me in cafeteria,
haha~it such a long time we didn't take lunch together,
so i take this photo because it is very rare things,
hope he can always accompany me in school!!
haha..Mammma Mia accompany me also ok,
at least when we are being together,
we won't neglect each other, i like this kind of feeling,
so i like every saturday and sunday,
because they all will come to our house to do the craft,
oohh~ show something to you,

yup,actually i want post a article about this craft,
hehe..this is done by me!!!!of course,we need to give a BIG clap to our xian xian,
thanks a lot to teach us!!i am very happy i learn this from you,
i really have a sense of achievement when finished this,

after doing craft,
they plan to sleep in my house,
yup..welcome all of you,
so all of us sleep in living room,i really feel happiness!!

hehe...Girls talk!! ♥

so happy!!!!thanks for giving me this memory!!



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