
Friday, June 18, 2010

Full of activities

hoho..full of activities by the next week,
GOOD!!!i like this kind of life,
and full of assignment,
i really hope that i were the honors student and active in activity,
but i am not,
if i am active in activity,sure my result performance will drop,
yaya..never mind!

just now we have meeting again with my lovely society friend,
discuss about fund raising stuff,
we need to think the design of mobile board,haiz~~
after that,hong ting gives me the newspaper that during xiaxiang,
hoho,i am in nespaper,thanks hong ting share this news to us,

i stand the middle one,if u can see me,
i think i quite easy to recognize,
so memorable those day with them,
then we chatted a lot just now,
full of happiness,
i really hope that i have a colurful university life,
hope my result also beautiful,
let me simply write down what activities we have by next week,
monday: pass up multimedia tool assignment,
tuesday: dinner gathering with society friend,
thursday:food carnival from 10am to 4pm,
friday:treasure hunt from 4pm to 730pm
and start from 28/6 is fund raising,
hmmp...english session will be at every night,
study independently this subject!!
yea~that's it for today!!


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