
Monday, June 21, 2010

party time

yea~we had another birthday party at last Saturday,
actually i don't wanna go due to some reason,
so forced to join,but is OK,
keep telling myself,this is the last party i join,
now i should be focus on my studies and assignment,

OK,simply write what is the situation on that day,
this time i didn't take so much photo,
lazy is reason,no mood also is a reason!!
by the way,let's enjoy my photo description,=)
birthday girl,she is zhi qi's 谊妹,

her birthday cake!!

edwin leong with his yi mei!!

yup,some of us,actually that time we just reached the house,
i really don't know what we can do,
just sit at outside and chit chat with those friend,
say cheese first!!

after that,party time,
see how am i so hardworking to drive away those flies,

continue my photo description!!
this girl is my group member,
finally see my group student,

cute children!

now,can you guess what is this box?

i think you don't know because i also no idea with this,
look carefully inside this box,

this box is incubator (孵化箱)
the purpose is use to hatch the chicken,
there has a thermograph inside the box,

i never knew that got this kind of box to hatch the chicken,
improve my knowledge again~~~hoho!!
yup,after that,
the birthday girl open up her gift,

yea~then finish this party blog!!

due to the next day is our grandfather's birthday 20/6
we continue celebrate zhi qi birthday at ABC mamak,
zi wei brought the cake in the early time,
hoho,happy birthday to YOU!!

hehe,birthday of traditional ritual,
make a wish first!!

take off the candle,

cut cake,this cake quite nice!!

after that is our photo session,
we took so many photo,but i am lazy upload here and facebook,
sorry everyone,so...haha!!
all of us! design group (美化股)
the only ONE of our group photo,T_T

the last photo i put,

lastly,happy birthday to YOU


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