
Thursday, June 17, 2010

last day of CEW

hoho...today is the last day doing helper for CEW,
Career Exploration Week,
i get my FREEEE t-shirt as well,
and some gift,
actually thanks zi wei and zi xin so much,
they treat me very good in this event,
ask me take photo lah,
give me the gift which just provide to committee only,
because i just helper so some gift i cannot take,
but zi wei and zi xin give me secretly,
haha...thanks a lot!!!
zi wei and zi xin take photo with me after closing ceremony,

and thanks ian lim come to support us!!:D

last but no least,
i would like to try something new,
i don't know whether can success it,
erm...give myself sometime to plan this,
yeah~here i come,



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