
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

start from now!!

hoho...what is the topic?start from now?
as i mentioned yesterday,i will go to do the free facial today,
it's really effective, my blackhead remove a bit from my nose,
haha..so i decide to buy the lotion,
and i take the chance to inquiry some skincare method,
she told me actually we not need apply toner after washing our face,
it's not good for our face,it just will increase nutrition to those pimples,
and actually we cannot always use BB cream because use much also not benefit for us,
oh my god...everyday i will apply this two things to my face = ="
so she told me that decrease using BB cream and STOP using toner,
oh..ya~i just brought a new toner not long ago...zzZ
by the way,i choose to listen those expert,
and start from now,will pay more attention on my face,
now..my goal is thorough remove those blackhead and freckle,haha~~
yeah yeah~tomorrow my turn to get the door gift,
hope can get a GOOD cosmetic!!

remember save money save money save money,
remember keep fit keep fit keep fit,
remember study study study,
remember english english english!!


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