
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

happy day

yeah!!today me,ian,wan xian,zixin and ziwei plan go to the exhibition at heritage hall,
when my class end at 1230pm,
i quickly go to find them,
hehe,i think our character is same,
why say so?
because we like to take those free gift,
and like to play some mini games to win the gift,
haha...so i am very happy with them today,
when you register,then you will get the milk immediately,

after that,we go to play those mini games,
it's quite nice,me and ian will go tomorrow again,
to win more gift,wahahaha,
today i get these gift!!HAPPY!!
here some biscuit and shokubutsu shower pack,

besides,there have some free books,

after that,we take lunch together,
then end up here...^^

wah~it's a long time i didn't go to pasar malam,
because every wednesday is a raining day,
but today not,so go to pasar malam with my housemates,
haha....it's pity pasar malam here is so small,
i miss pasar malam of cheras,
there is the longest pasar malam at malaysia,
then shan si's grandfather also sell the "碌碌" at pasar malam,
lucky he knows me and chat a lot with me and ian,
besides,he treats us eat one stick of the lulu,haha..
thanks a lot!:D
yup....tomorrow we have second activities,
looking forward it...^^


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