
Sunday, June 13, 2010

happy birthday to shansi

hei,yup...shansi (善思) is shun ming's 谊妹,
her birthday party falls on friday (11/6)
so some of us go to her party at 7pm.
wahaha~when I've reached,
BBQ!!omg..because me and my housemates also have a BBQ in the next day,
gosh~i think i will become fat in this 2 days..
= ="

a lot of cute students attend this party,
so happy to see those students,
we have fun at that day with them and my friends.
erm..most of the photo have be taken by zi wei's camera,
so i haven't taken that..just upload the photo used by my hp!!

i found some interesting things in the corner,
wah~that is what i want in the future if can,

a lot of presents!!!!i really hope that i also can receive this!!!
hehe,but i also have a wonderful birthday in the year!!not bad as well!!!:D
and we sing the birthday song to the birthday girl!!Photobucket

these 2 are birthday girl!!*happy birthday to both of you*

beautiful cake!!oh~i want it,who can make one for me???

she cuts the cake =)

after that,they enjoy the games we prepare for them,
so happy to see their smiling!!
then some of us go to bbq section,

zi wei and zi xin,they are twins!!

the birthday girl's parents prepare a lot of food and drinks for us,
but this one is my favorite food --->red eggs!!

hehe,so envy the children can have a birthday party,
i never have this kinds of party before,
hope everyone of them can happy everyday,
be a child forever,
i wish i can,but time flies...
those children still prepare some gift for us,

inside this is bookmark,
i am very touch to receive this,
thanks a lot!!children!!
you see,how happy they are,i like children the most!

haha..this is a small group photograph,

happy birthday to you!!


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