
Thursday, July 15, 2010

1 day part time job

today is Thursday,
normally is my holidays as well,
because i don't have any class on thursday,
haiz~due to my laziness,
i accidentally skip Multimedia Tools class on Monday
i overslept so cannot attend the ADV PR writing class on Wednesday,
so force me go to school for replacement class for today,
T_T is ok...let's go~

today teach photoshop,
hoho~quite nice,
today learning how to edit the photo,
so if you have many pimples or others,
don't worry,i will help you remove that,
hehe,can you see the photo?
this is the original photo of the people,

now let's us see the photo after editing...

hehe,can see the different?
wah~so amazing,although this one is difficult than illustrator,
but it's very useful for me,
so i wanna learn it well!!wakaka~

after that,i received a msg from zi xin,
she asked me whether i can work at block G cafeteria now?
erm...1 hour RM3.50,
erm...i think i can try it,
i thought that i just go to work 1 hour only,
but many people take their lunch at that time,
so i cannot leave...T_T
so i officially announce that i SKIP ADV PR class for this week,
this week just learning speech,
i heard my friends said that tutor also didn't teach much,
so i can learn by myself...is ok lah!
hehe~so work at there for 3 hours,
then go to practice song.....to 3pm!!
isshh~my "holidays" gone~~~~

at night,
i knew a terrible news from IAN,
our friends,jia wei met accident today,
heard that his face is quite serious,
don't know which car knock him,
so lousy driving skills!!
hope my friend get well soon,
i really worry about him,
i just chatted with him on tuesday,
really hope he gets well soon,
GOD please bless for him!!!!


aUyONG hUImIN said...


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