
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

shit utar

actually i like UTAR very much,
why i choose UTAR?
not my parents force me,
not because the school fees is cheap,
is just....
the convocation!!
yea~i have been attended the utar convocation before,
it's really nice!!
i remember when i know the progress of utar convocation,
i like it immediately,
so i choose utar!!

but recently i know 1 things about utar,
it's really a hot topic in facebook now,
when you park your car in the eastgate there,
you also need to pay RM80,
walao~all is mud!!but students need to pay RM80,
although it's none of my business,
but i also fed up with this,
why you so greedy?
are you short of money now?
i think not rite?
really bull shit,
forget about it,
you EVEN didn't provide a good place for bike,
walao~mana mana pun tak boleh park?
then where should we park our bike?
oh~i know..
we take it to class...is it?
i hate the sound of "bi bi bi" when going to block b,
obviously there still have many place can park?
but i am curious why cannot park???
hello~utar,we pay RM4000 - RM5000 ++,
can you provide a parking for us?
kanasai uni!!!

just now,i went to a shop,
brought something!!
suddenly i chat with the staff of the shop,
we chat a lot rubbish,
then she asked me what course i am taking now,
i said PR,
she said,wah~no wonder you have a good communication skill,
i stun at there,and said thanks!
IAN lim tell me 1 things,
"i don't know why?
i think that you will success in your career"
i asked,why you think so?
he said,
don't know,just can feel that you have the potential in this field,
i said,oh~~thanks
nothing to say,just wanna to encourage me!!
although something unhappy now,
but thanks to those people!!


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