
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

sweet SUNDAY

yup~last Sunday i went to PJ to find him,
haiz~so stressful here,
so many things wanna share,but i did not know who i can share,
may be IAN???don't know,he 's so busy...don't dare to disturb him!!
so go to find him,
he brought me go to eat many delicious foods and window shopping,
actually i don't like shopping,
just wanna you beside me,that's ok!!
haha~we have a nice day,
we chatted a lot,shared a lot,feel better now!!
besides that, he brought me a watch!!

*wink* thanks so much!
it's worth RM80 ++
quite expensive...*pain*

hehe..but i like this watch very much!!!!!
the most expensive watch i am wearing now!!
haha~really appreciate you!!!
thanks a lot!!!
i enjoy a nice day with you!!

hehe..but i missed some interesting part with my lovely 10 good friends,
never mind!!!
next time i just join them!!


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