
Tuesday, July 13, 2010


haha..actually what is Auditor?
according to my knowledge,
this post just help the treasurer to check the income statement or others,
am i right?
i also don't know,
why suddenly i mention this one?
hehe...because i am holding this post in CDC society,
CDC stands for Career Development Club Society,
Ian lim and me are doing this post,
don't worry,i heard my friend says,
this post is nothing to do...just hold the post until time past,
haha~but i am not this kind of the people,
if really need help,i will help them!!
the picture shows that me and Ian lim attend the AGM of CDC,

yup..free RM100 and 20 soft skill point will enter my pocket after 1 year,
yea~i am active people!!

at night,
me, wan xian, ziwei, zi xin first time to join the utar choir,
this is the title of the song,

1 day only we finish practicing this song,
you see,so fast~
but i also can say that i will forget it very soon!!
after that,I teach zi wei zixin using the keyboard,
hehe..i never dreamed that i can teach people in some day,
Photobucket *TOUCH*
haha~just a simple song,
but we enjoy it!!
and we plan to buy a keyboard for ourselves,Photobucket

yup,after that,
i go to find Ian lim to chit chat,
i spend 1 hour to chat with him by using English,
English, you know??
i found that i quite fluency when i speak in English,
and Ian comment is sometimes i direct translate the sentences from Chinese,
is ok for me..because my speaking is very lousy,
hohoho...at least i can speak,
wahaha~thanks lah!!
i feel happy now!


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