
Thursday, July 22, 2010


before my blog,i wanna say something,
first,i wanna thank wan xian,today i chatted with her,
she told me some method to change my life,
yaya,may be i should try it,
don't blindly to stay in the 1 place,
be a brave person,actually i have my own way to do my things,
if it did not fit, just leave only..
this is no big deal to me!
don't too care of others' thinking,
some people will appreciate you!

ok,just now go to utar portal check something,
haha....i found that,
my name appears in the co-curriculum there,
first one is CDC,Career Development Club
i am holding the post of "Auditor",
together with Ian,

second, Music Club,
holding assistant treasurer,

and one more........
holding secretary,
i can get RM100 after 1 year and some point,
i just wanna improve my academic now,
i am trying,some people will see it,
but some people did not,
but i don't care....
left 2 years in University,
i just wanna make it colorful and happiness!
ok...stop here.....
i wanna go to take bath and do my stuff!!


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