
Monday, July 12, 2010


yea~recently i feel so EMO,
WHY?no idea,
can i write something inside my heart?
something i don't wish let people know,
but i wanna write in my blog,can i?
*BIG sigh*

1 = L
2 = H
3 = P
yea~this 3 things make me so upset,
but i cannot clearly point it out,
forget about it,
blog is no longer safe,
nothing happened,
that's it for today.

haha,my Nuffnang almost can get my first money,
so to all my readers,please keep clicking the advertisement if you see it,
money is difficult to earn and save,
but i believe i can make everything perfect,
except "A",
is ok,give myself a sentence,
yes,take a breath,
after taking dinner,
i wanna study multimedia tools midterm for tomorrow,
yea~study myself,


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