
Wednesday, July 21, 2010


hi..how you settle your 3 meal in 1 day?
erm..may be most of the people will go out eat right?
some people will cook by their own,
then how about me?
haha~just simply blog about my meal!!

first,i wanna thank MR LEE to "sponsor" me RM150 to buy some emergency food,
i have a long time did not go back to my sweet home,
so some food i cannot get from my mum,
and due to lack of the pocket money,
BUT,as i said before,
thanks MR LEE to "sponsor" me,
so i can buy the food i want,wahaha~

haha,that's all my emergency food,
actually i quite miss the life at PJ during foundation,
why?because i do what i like,
i eat what i like,
no need follow friends,
i am simple girl,
just it can help me to save money,
normally my lunch,
i will make a cup of milo and biscuit,

and dinner will cook mee or mee hun,haha~my favorite...
like the photo i show below..^^

it's very simple to cook,just add on some fish ball,
normally i will limit the number of fish ball,haha~
and 1 egg..then my dinner or lunch is done!!!
but now,i live with friends,
i cannot eat what i want,
actually i can cook EVERYDAY,
but i know that not everyone can cook everyday,
unconsciously, i am the person who decide what we eat everyday,
hello~man,so troublesome!!
if you all really wanna save money,
then just cook at home,
so i just said that,
i miss the life at PJ,
besides that,thanks MR LEE,
i have this food,
haha~ hope i really can save the amount and go for the travel!!
i will gambateh to save more money!!!


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